This particular command changes all files to hidden.

The attrib command is used to change the attributes of files. In an initial evaluation of the code we find that once executed, it runs the attrib +h command. WannaCry was designed to infect Windows systems. With the below message cryptically lingering in the background: If you choose to launch WannaCry in a closed environment, you will see the following message: Due to its continued havoc, it has been highly researched and evaluated. WannaCry is ransomware that appeared in 2017 but is still considered one of the biggest malware threats out there. We are going to take a look at what the WannaCry worm. Once you have the malware you want to evaluate, you can directly upload the executable into OllyDbg.

This gives you a network behavioral analysis. You would evaluate the results in Wireshark to see what type of network calls and other activity takes place. In order to perform a true dynamic analysis, you may want to allow your host to get infected while running a network analyzer like Wireshark. A dynamic analysis is an observation of the live code and gives a deeper picture of the functionality of the malware. If you perform static analysis of malware code, the code is not actually executed.

Other tools like Wireshark, PE editor, IDA Pro and more may come in handy. OllyDbg is just a debugger, so before you begin, you may want to determine all the information you want to retrieve from the code. DebuggingĮvaluating malware normally involves using multiple tools. It will help tremendously in the evaluation of the code. It’s important to note that if using a dissembler, it is expected the user have knowledge of the assembly language. This is important to note, as many researchers prefer using Kali Linux for analysis. If you are creating a virtual environment using Kali Linux instead of Windows, you will need to use Wine to run OllyDbg. OllyDbg is meant to run on a Windows platform. Avoid using bridged mode, as it leaves your network exposed. Do some research on best ways to isolate your environment. This should be done in a closed environment within a virtual machine. If you plan to analyze malware on your own, you want to ensure you have your environment setup to protect yourself and your assets.